TekNow: Sunday, November. 29th, 2020

Tech news selection for Sunday, November. 29th, 2020. Why You Should Stop Using WhatsApp Until You Change These 3 Critical Settings – Forbes Teachable Machine From Google Makes It Easy To Train And Deploy ML Models – Forbes

TekNow: Wednesday, November. 25th, 2020

Tech news selection for Wednesday, November. 25th, 2020. Isovalent Launches Linux Network Enterprise Product, Closes $29M Round – Data Center Knowledge Microsoft may have just leaked more details on its CloudPC service – TechRadar Prolonged AWS outage takes down a big chunk of the internet – The Verge

TekNow: Tuesday, November. 24th, 2020

Tech news selection for Tuesday, November. 24th, 2020. Microsoft Azure inherits new VPN features – TechRadar The Airbnb of Cloud storage has amassed one million TB of storage worldwide – TechRadar

TekNow: Monday, November. 23rd, 2020

Tech news selection for Monday, November. 23rd, 2020. The Unique Advantages of Hybrid Clouds in Colocation Data Centers – Data Center Knowledge Windows 10 20H2 update: New features for IT pros – TechRepublic Box Inc. Is Boxed Out – Forbes

TekNow: Friday, November. 20th, 2020

Tech news selection for Friday, November. 20th, 2020. Google keeps growing in Seattle area, agrees to buy nearly 10 acres at a car dealership site in Kirkland – GeekWire CIA awards multibillion-dollar cloud contract to multiple vendors – Washington Business Journal