TekNow: Saturday, April. 25th, 2020
Tech news selection for Saturday, April. 25th, 2020. RPT-Showdown looms between Silicon Valley, U.S. states over contact tracing apps – Reuters
Tech news selection for Saturday, April. 25th, 2020. RPT-Showdown looms between Silicon Valley, U.S. states over contact tracing apps – Reuters
Tech news selection for Friday, April. 24th, 2020. Flexential® Offers Next-Generation Managed Public Cloud and Managed Container Solutions As Demand Increases with COVID-19 and Stay-At-Home Orders – Container Journal We put the paper back into a ChromeOS paperless office – Ars Technica Microsoft admits pandemic caused Azure ‘constraints’ and backlog of customer quota requests – …
Tech news selection for Friday, April. 24th, 2020. We put the paper back into a ChromeOS paperless office – Ars Technica Infor feels the lure of Azure as ERP underdog’s customers in retail express reservations about Amazon’s cloud – The Register Microsoft Azure security flaw exploit could let hackers create a ‘skeleton key’ – TechRadar …
Tech news selection for Thursday, April. 23rd, 2020. AWS AppFlow hopes to bring a SaaS revolution – TechRadar Amazon stock at $4,000 and a $2 trillion valuation? Why this analyst thinks it could happen – GeekWire Cloud Foundry North American Summit Goes Virtual Due to Pandemic – Container Journal Google Meet: 4 new features in …
Tech news selection for Thursday, April. 23rd, 2020. Perimeter 81 VPN review – TechRadar Google shifting workloads to run when the sun will shine and the wind will blow – The Register
Tech news selection for Wednesday, April. 22nd, 2020. How To Embrace The Hybrid Cloud Reality And Get It Right – Forbes AWS rolls out ‘Linux 2 Ready’ scheme to lure penguins into using its homegrown distro – The Register Google Stadia gains users after giving free access for two months – Reuters AWS launches Amazon …
Tech news selection for Wednesday, April. 22nd, 2020. How To Embrace The Hybrid Cloud Reality And Get It Right – Forbes Microsoft Develops AI-Powered Device That Can Automatically Check For Fever And Face Masks – Forbes
Tech news selection for Tuesday, April. 21st, 2020. Microsoft hires a former GE exec to work with health companies in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic – CNBC AWS announces new single-purpose on-prem hardware and tie-in storage tier – The Register Microsoft puts a stop to auto-updates of Azure Service Fabric ‘until further notice’ – …
Tech news selection for Tuesday, April. 21st, 2020. AWS announces new single-purpose on-prem hardware and tie-in storage tier – The Register IT directors plan to protect cloud budgets and consolidate vendors during downturn – TechRepublic Cloud Gaming Is Booming, But Is The Network Ready? – Forbes
Tech news selection for Monday, April. 20th, 2020. As Google becomes key infrastructure for new coronavirus relief, old issues haunt it – CNBC Google unveils tech to make it easier for doctors and patients to share health info – CNBC With the economy in turmoil, Alibaba to spend big on pipes and plumbing to catch …